I just dug up these 2 pics that were buried for a long long time. Before I tell you who they are - take a quick guess..............
The pic on the left is Bo Ikeda (team: Hosoi, Vision, Acme, etc.)and the pic on the right is Jef Hartsel (team :Alva, World Industries, H.I.C., etc.).
Bo's pic was taken at the Promenade in Santa Monica 1986. Yeah, I know this is a web for pool skaters BUT Bo is an old friend from Hawaii and he skates pools pretty damn well. Here he is trying a pioneering rail slide with blond hair.
Hart's pic was taken around '84-'85 at the infamous Dinosaur Dean's Ramp on the North Shore. Classic Independent Air. Pre: dread locks, funny thing is - Jef still looks the same today.
They both went on to become big professionals in the 7-ply industry. The cool thing about these pics is they were taken during a simple time when they were just Bo and Jef to us. Today they both still rip and are some of the most humble people on this Earth.